Soils with different development stages were found around each su

Soils with different development stages were found around each subject tree. Cluster analyses of soil properties around each subject tree (based on soil probes and soil profiles descriptions and analyses) suggested the formation of three groups of soil associations with similar properties. Selleckchem Natural Product Library In the first soil association (henceforth SA1), shallow soils with profile O–C (26%) and O–A–C horizons (64%) prevailed, while soils with Bw horizons represented less than 10% (Fig. 3). In the second association (SA2), soils with profile O–A–C (45%) and O–A–Bw–C horizons (45%) prevailed, while soils with only O–C or with O–A–E–Bt–C horizons represented 9% and 1%, respectively.

In the third soil association (SA3), soils with well-developed Bw horizons (45%) and leached soils with O–A–E–Bt–C horizons (23%) prevailed (Fig. 3). Dominant silver firs were between 132 and 209 years old (Table 4). The DBH ranged from 41.0 to 72.0 cm, with a mean value of 59 cm. The average height was 34.0 m, and the mean volume was 4.8 m3. The height increment of silver firs over the last 100 years ranged from 7.4 to 27.7 m. Tree age explained 13% of this variation (M1, Table 5), whereas adding the minimum soil depth around each tree as an additional explanatory variable of height increment did not improve the prediction (M2). The mean check details (M3) or maximum (M4) soil depth, rather than minimum depth, explained more

variability in height increment, but this variable still explained

less than 30% of the variation. Stoniness and competition were not statistically significant variables. The inclusion of individual horizon thickness instead of soil depth as an explanatory variable improved previous models (ΔAIC = 22.1, p < 0.001). The thickness of A horizon had a negative effect on height increment (M5), while other horizons’ influence was positive, in particular a strong positive was the effect of eluvial E and illuvial Bt horizons, FER characterised for well developed, deep soils (M6, M8). Similarly higher share of more developed soils (Cambisol and Luvisol) also influenced positively on height growth (M10). Positive effect on height growth was also confirmed for the amount of available water, which was mainly a function of soil depth (M11). Cambic horizon Bw had positive effect (M7), but did not improve the model (M9). The influence of the sinkhole is considered in the model 12; trees growing at the bottom of sinkholes were higher for 4.28 m in 100 year. The combination of AWC and location of trees in slope position (sinkhole) also had positive influence on height growth (M13). The prediction of the height increment over the last 100 years was further improved (ΔAIC = 9.6, p < 0.001) by considering soil associations in the model (M9). Effect of all available soil variables on height growth are presented in model M14.

(2009), see Table 2 However, official reported cases of dengue u

(2009), see Table 2. However, official reported cases of dengue under-estimate the number of clinical cases of the disease (discussed by Suaya et al., 2009), so the global economic burden of dengue reported based on reported cases is conservative. Therefore, we adjusted the global caseload and economic burden upwards

by a factor of 6, to account for unreported cases Roxadustat (Armien et al., 2008). The same assumptions regarding dengue case loads and adjustments for unreported cases were also made for the vaccine impact model (next Section). Our estimates for global clinical case load, economic burden, and weighted average cost per case are presented in Table 3 (top three rows). A dengue drug will have clinical utility if the availability and market penetration of dengue vaccines is insufficient to eliminate transmission of dengue. We constructed a Monte Carlo Simulation model (10,000 simulations) using Oracle Crystal Ball®

to project future dengue case loads based on current trends and publicly available information about dengue vaccines. The key assumptions of the model including distributions, most likely, minimum and maximum values are summarized in Table 4. Generally we have assumed a normal distribution, with a standard deviation of 10% around the most likely value, except where there was specific information from the literature that suggested an alternative distribution might be appropriate. More details regarding some of the assumptions are outlined below. Sanofi’s tetravalent dengue vaccine is in Phase III trials. We selected a probability of successful completion of selleck kinase inhibitor the Phase

III program and licensure at 75% based on our perception of industry norms for a typical biotech product. A launch of date Thalidomide of 2015 is feasible if there are no delays in Sanofi’s development program. Inviragen, GSK, and Merck all have dengue vaccines in development, and NIH, has licensed its technology to four institutions or companies regionally. These other efforts appear to be in late Phase I or early Phase II, and so could in theory be licensed in a 2017–2021 time window if development plans remain on track. Therefore, we selected the most likely licensure date as 2019, with minimum and maximum ranges of 2017 and 2021. We have assumed that the probability of achieving licensure for each of these vaccines is approximately 21% (35% probability of success in Phase II × 60% probability of success in Phase III) based on industry norms for a typical biotech product in early clinical development (Zemmel and Shiekh, 2010). The probability of discrete numbers (0–7) of additional vaccines being approved was then calculated. We have assumed that the volume of dengue vaccine doses sold will be limited by capacity, and that the price of dengue vaccines that is negotiated will be set in a manner that will allow the available capacity to be sold.

3C, 3D) These results suggest that KRG upregulates ER-β-mediated

3C, 3D). These results suggest that KRG upregulates ER-β-mediated PI3K/Akt signaling in brain cells even under conditions of oxidative stress, which normally diminishes PI3K/Akt signaling. To examine further whether the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway is important in the apoptosis of oxidative stressed brain cells, SK-N-SH cells were treated with the PI3K inhibitor LY294002, and the expression levels of apoptotic markers were determined. Oxidative stress repressed p-Akt levels compared with nonstressed control cells, but induced p-p53 expression (Fig. 4A). In addition, treatment with the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 significantly lowered p-Akt levels in both PBS- and KRG-treated groups compared to control cells, but KRG treatment

significantly increased p-Akt expression compared to the PBS-treated group. However, total Akt levels were unaffected by PI3K inhibition ( Fig. 4A, B). These results suggest that oxidative stress inhibits p-Akt expression find more but that KRG reverses such inhibition and increases cells survival. Furthermore, PI3K inhibition inhibited BCL2 expression, but induced p-p53 and caspase-3 expression. However, KRG treatment reversed this result, and increased BCL2 level but decreased p-p53 and caspase-3 levels were observed ( Fig. 4A, 4B), indicating that KRG protects

the brain cells from apoptosis from oxidative stress via upregulation of PI3K signals. To confirm these results, Akt inhibitor VIII was used to inhibit Akt activity, and apoptosis marker expressions

were checked in oxidative stressed brain Tolmetin cells. Results show that Akt inhibition downregulates BCL2 expression, but upregulates caspase-3 expression compared to solvent controls (Fig. 4C, 4D). However, KRG treatment resulted in increased BCL2 expression and decreased caspase-3 and p-p53 levels (Fig. 4C, 4D). These results suggest that KRG inhibits apoptosis via upregulation of PI3K/Akt signals in oxidative stressed brain cells. Brain myelin sheaths contain relatively large amounts of iron and lipids and have high rates of oxidative metabolism with limited antioxidant capacity. Thus, myelin sheaths are highly susceptible to oxidative damage [28], [29] and [30]. Moreover, oxidative stress due to free radicals has been implicated as a major pathological mechanism of brain disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and brain trauma [31] and [32]. In the brain, stress stimulates secretion of glucocorticoids, which augments the extracellular accumulation of glutamate in the hippocampus. Because glutamate can induce neuronal excitotoxicity and leads to TNF-α release, such an outcome would activate iNOS and COX2 induction and generate free radicals, which can mutate DNA, oxidize proteins and lipids, and finally results in neural degeneration and cell death [33]. Therefore, development of a potential candidate for various degenerative disorders in the brain is required. The PI3K/Akt pathway plays an important role in neural survival pathways [34].

To investigate changes in the proportion of plant macrofossils vs

To investigate changes in the proportion of plant macrofossils vs. coarse grained inorganic sediments entering

the lake, dried bulk sediment samples were sieved at 600 μm. C646 research buy The samples were then submerged in water and the floating (organic macrofossil) and sinking (inorganic, coarse grains) fractions separated. The organic macrofossil fraction was dried, weighed and expressed as a percentage of the original total sample mass. The ratio between total carbon and total nitrogen (TC:TN) may be used as an indicator of whether the organic matter is primarily aquatic (TC:TN < 10) or terrestrial (TC:TN > 10) in origin (Meyers and Teranes, 2001). Hence, TC:TN ratios can be used to study changes in the source of the organic material present in the sediment. TC and TN were measured at 0.5 cm intervals using 20–60 mg of sediment with a Macro Vario elemental analyser. The TC and TN contents of the organic macrofossils were also measured. Total sulphur (TS) was measured at 5 cm intervals selleck kinase inhibitor using approximately 2 g dried sediment with a LECO CNS 2000 analyser. Diatoms are one of the most commonly used biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem changes (Smol, 2008). They are highly sensitive and respond rapidly to changes in

their environment (e.g. light, nutrients, pH, salinity, sediment supply and temperature; Smol and Stoermer, 2010). Diatoms were analysed at 0.5 cm intervals using standard methods (Battarbee et al., 2001). At least 400 valves were counted per sample, using phase contrast and oil immersion at 1000× magnification on a Monoiodotyrosine Zeiss Z20 light microscope. The relative abundance

of all species (including unidentified forms) was recorded as a percentage of the total number of valves counted (Battarbee et al., 2001). Taxonomy was principally based on sub-Antarctic (Van de Vijver et al., 2002), Antarctic (Roberts and McMinn, 1999) and Australian taxonomic literature (Vyverman et al., 1995 and Hodgson et al., 1997). All taxa were photographed and are archived, including taxonomic data, with K. Saunders. Species occurring with ≥1% relative abundance were included in this study. Separate constrained hierarchical cluster analyses (CONISS; Grim, 1987) were undertaken on the sedimentological (water content, plant macrofossil, TC, TN, TS) and diatom data to determine the timing of the most significant splits in the data, in particular whether the most significant split coincided with the introduction of rabbits. The broken stick model was used to determine the number of significant splits (Bennett, 1996). This identifies a zone boundary as significant if the explained variance of the zonation exceeds the variance of a zonation in a random dataset with the same parameters (i.e. n and total variance the same as in the actual dataset; Bennett, 1996). These analyses were performed in R version 15.

This observation confirms measurements of sediment deposition mad

This observation confirms measurements of sediment deposition made by Pollen-Bankhead et al. (2012). And, the invasive Phragmites sequesters substantially more ASi in the top 10-cm of sediments than does native willow, while any difference between native willow and unvegetated sediments is not detectable with this common analytical method. ASi is typically in the silt-size range, so the river’s suspended load of ASi was deposited along with fine particles of SCR7 in vitro mineralogic sediment in low velocity stands of Phragmites. However,

because Phragmites is a relatively prolific producer of ASi particles, it is likely that in situ production of ASi accounts at least in part for the high Selleckchem Anti-diabetic Compound Library ASi content of these sediments.

In other words, two different processes – physical sequestration and biogenic production – are likely at work, and future studies will need to disentangle the two effects on ASi accumulation in river sediments. In this study, the top 10 cm of sediment at each site were analyzed because field observations indicated that most fine-grain deposition occurred within that depth, and laboratory analyses confirmed that sediments at 10–20 cm depth had negligible ASi. However, it is important to note that sediment erosion and deposition in rivers, and in particular in anabranching rivers like the Platte, is complex and spatially heterogeneous. It is possible that for any given site, a recent high flow buried an ASi-rich sediment layer under a thick deposit of sand or eroded a former ASi-rich deposit. Indeed, four cores contained buried organic-rich layers containing Phragmites rhizomes, suggesting that some burial occurred within the previous 8 years (when Phragmites first invaded this river). In other words, these data represent a snapshot of the riverbed at the time the samples were Thymidylate synthase collected with no guarantee that sediment has been deposited and preserved in a spatially and temporally continuous manner. Nevertheless, flow and sediment dynamics during high flows at any given site are not independent

of vegetation type: Phragmites has a denser stem network than native willows and therefore its presence will diminish flow velocity and transport capacity through the patch. We expect this local and temporal variability to be less pronounced in longer-term geologic records or in studies of more spatially extensive environments. The rough estimate of 9500 t of additional ASi sequestered in Phragmites sediments can be contextualized by calculating the annual silica load being transported by the Platte. Unfortunately, few measurements of silica in the Platte exist. The calculated river load of 18,000 t DSi yr−1 reported here, based on 3 years of DSi monitoring in the mid-1990s, serves as a pre-Phragmites baseline.

Patients may have an overlap of categories or express different M

Patients may have an overlap of categories or express different MSK disorders over time. Several studies10, 12 and 16 from rheumatology clinics have unequivocally demonstrated that a significant proportion of leprosy patients

may present for click here the first time with acute severe inflammatory arthritis, often a component of lepra reaction, and are mistakenly treated for prolonged periods with anti-rheumatic drugs (with potentially disastrous consequences). Articular involvement is generally ignored in children and adolescents with leprosy, and differential diagnosis of chronic polyarthritis includes juvenile idiopathic arthritis, acute leukemia, and childhood-systemic lupus erythematosus.14 To summarize, leprosy is the great mimic of the MSK-articular system and can present with protean manifestations requiring a high index of clinical suspicion to make a correct and timely diagnosis.10 and 12

It is well known Selleckchem BLU9931 that leprosy patients can be flooded with antibodies. From a rheumatological perspective, it is important to recognize false positive AAb; these include RF, ANA, antibody to anti-citrullinated cyclic peptides (a-CCP), antibody to anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic antigens (ANCA), and antiphospholipid antibodies (APL)/anti-cardiolipin antibodies (ACL). The frequency of seropositive RF (Table 2) has varied considerably, which is due to assay methods, patient selection, and other reasons. In a controlled leprosy study,17 35% and 55.8% of patients tested seropositive for RF and ANA, respectively; 15.8%

patients were seropositive for both AAb. There was no correlation between RF/ANA and arthritis (68% prevalence) in the latter study.17 The frequency of Fossariinae seropositive RF was reported11 to vary considerably in different leprosy types (lepromatous > borderline > tuberculoid > Indeterminate). Ribeiro et al.13 (Table 2) demonstrated a lower prevalence of a-CCP (2.6%) and IgM RF (1.3%). A Mexican adult leprosy study18 reported significant a-CCP in 5.9% patients and RF in 16.8% patients; polar lepromatous (LL) patients had higher a-CCP and RF levels than polar tuberculoid (TT) patients. The low seropositivity of a-CCP can usefully differentiate between RA and leprosy associated inflammatory arthritis. ANCA, a marker of vasculitis, was reported in leprosy19 and p-ANCA (31% lepromatous, 16% borderline, nil tuberculoid) had a higher frequency than c-ANCA (5% lepromatous only).

The present study confirmed this finding, since three of the four

The present study confirmed this finding, since three of the four adolescents

with lithiasis were female. Several studies have shown a higher frequency of cholelithiasis in the female gender.8 and 22 The female gender is associated with cholelithiasis, especially during the childbearing years. Estrogens increase the secretion of cholesterol and decrease the secretion of bile salts, whereas progestogens act by reducing the secretion of bile salts and the emptying of the gallbladder, leading to stasis.24 The frequency of hepatic steatosis (21.2%) was lower than that reported by Lira et al.,25 who observed it in 27.7% of the 172 adolescents, and greater than that reported by Schwimmer et al.,26 who reported it in 9.6% among children and adolescents. These authors reported that the prevalence increases with age, ranging from 0.7% from ages 2 to 4 years to 17.3% from ages 15 to 19 years.7 In the present study, the significant find more association between cholelithiasis and hepatic steatosis is spurious, since obesity is implicated as a risk factor for both.16 and 22 Regarding the physiopathology,

cholelithiasis and hepatic steatosis behave as independent variables.19 The presence of symptoms associated with cholelithiasis in this study was greater than that reported in the literature, as all four patients were symptomatic; however, only intolerance to dietary fat was significant. Ruibal et al.27 studied 123 children and adolescents with cholelithiasis and observed that 66% had symptoms; approximately 35% had abdominal pain associated with vomiting and 27% had isolated abdominal Cilengitide cell line pain. Wesdorp et al.11 studied the clinical presentation of 82 children and adolescents with cholelithiasis, most with hemolytic disease (32/82) and only three with obesity, and observed that 17% were asymptomatic,

52% had biliary symptoms (biliary colic and jaundice), 24% had unspecific abdominal pain, and 7% had acute abdominal pain with fever. Among patients with biliary symptoms, 10% reported intolerance to fat. However, certain vague complaints such as symptoms of dyspepsia with certain foods, flatulence, nausea, and bloating that have been in the past attributed to cholelithiasis are not accepted today, mainly because of lack of improvement LY294002 after cholecystectomy, and are thus attributed to irritable bowel syndrome or other organic or functional diseases.16 The findings in the present study suggest that the symptomatic clinical picture is more often observed in obese adolescents. However, further studies with larger samples are needed in order to identify the most relevant symptoms. The greater weight loss in cholelithiasis patients shown in the present study is consistent with the literature. Kaechele et al.20 observed that obese children and adolescents with cholelithiasis lost an average of 10.1 ± 7.0 kg compared with only 5.8 ± 5.0 kg lost in the group without cholelithiasis.

The solution was continuously bubbled with a gentle stream of air

The solution was continuously bubbled with a gentle stream of air. Samples of irradiated solutions learn more were examined for degradation using thin-layer chromatography and RF and photoproducts were assayed spectrophotometrically at appropriate intervals. The photoproducts formed during the degradation

of RF at pH 4.0–7.0 in the presence of citrate buffer were detected by TLC on cellulose plates (Whatman CC 40) using (a) 1-butanol–acetic acid–water (40:10:50, v/v, organic phase) and (b) 1-butanol–1-propanol–acetic acid–water (50:30:2:18, v/v) as solvent systems [8]. All spectral determinations on RF and its photodegraded solutions were carried out on a Shimadzu UV-1601 recording spectrophotometer using silica cells of 10 mm path length. Fluorescence measurements of RF solutions were MK8776 carried out at room temperature (∼25 °C) using a Spectramax 5 fluorimeter (Molecular Devices, USA) in the end point mode using λex=374 nm and λem=520 nm [33]. The fluorescence was recorded in relative fluorescence

unit using a pure 0.05 mM RF solution as standard. RF and photoproducts in degraded solutions were assayed using a specific multicomponent spectrophotometric method previously developed by Ahmad and Rapson [1]. The method is based on preadjustment of photolysed solutions to pH 2.0 (HCl–KCl buffer), chloroform extraction to remove the photoproducts, LC and LF, and their determination, after chloroform evaporation, at pH 4.5 (acetate buffer) by a two-component assay at 445 and 356 nm. The aqueous phase was assayed for RF and FMF by a two-component assay at 445 and 385 nm. The intensity of the radiation source (125 W Phillips HPLN lamp) was determined by the method of Hatchard and Parker [21] using potassium ferrioxalate actinometry as 1.15±0.10×1017 quanta s–1. It is important to ascertain the nature of RF photoproducts under the reaction conditions employed before the assay procedure could be applied to determine these compounds in degraded solutions.

The photoproducts formed during the degradation of RF at pH 4.0–7.0 in the presence of citrate buffer were detected by TLC and identified as formylmethylflavin (FMF), carboxymethylflavin (CMF), lumichrome (LC) and lumiflavin (LF) crotamiton by their characteristic fluorescence under UV excitation (RF, FMF, CMF, LF, yellow green; LC, sky blue) and comparison of Rf values with those of the authentic compounds. FMF, LC (major) and CMF (minor) are produced throughout the pH range whereas LF is produced only at pH 7.0 as observed in a previous study [10]. The formation of these products has been found to decrease with an increase in buffer concentration indicating the inhibitory role of citrate buffer on the photolysis reaction. The absorption spectra of the aqueous phase (pH 2.0) of photolysed solutions of RF show a gradual decrease in absorption at 445 nm with a concomitant increase at around 385 nm indicating the loss of RF.

Hemocytes have been proved to be the site of production and stora

Hemocytes have been proved to be the site of production and storage of AMPs in invertebrates such as horseshoe crabs, mussels and decapod crustaceans [9], [15], [16], Gemcitabine cost [17] and [18]. The brown mud crab, Scylla serrata, is a decapod crustacean of the brachyuran family, Portunidae. They are tolerant to wide range of environmental parameters and there has been a huge interest in the aquaculture of this species due to its high demand/price, high flesh content and rapid growth rates in captivity. Mud crabs are a highly delicious seafood commodity and are therefore an important candidate species for aquaculture.

S. serrata is a well known commercial species in India, Philippines and Vietnam. Like many other decapod crustaceans [8], [19], [20] and [21], the mud crab also possesses broad-spectrum antibacterial activity in its hemolymph that constitutes part of its nonspecific defenses. However, there are hardly any published works on major AMP families (ALF and crustins) present

in this species. The present study aims at the molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of two major families of AMPs, viz. anti-lipopolysaccharide factor and crustin from S. serrata. Healthy adults of S. serrata (∼300 g body weight) were collected from the backwater stream along Vypeen, Kochi, India. Hemolymph was collected from the base of abdominal appendages using specially designed much capillary tubes (RNase-free) rinsed using pre-cooled anticoagulant solution (RNase-free 10% sodium citrate, pH 7.0). Total RNA was extracted from the hemocytes using TRI reagent LGK-974 molecular weight (Sigma) following manufacture’s protocol. RNA was quantified by spectrophotometry at 260 and 280 nm. Only RNAs with absorbance ratios (A260:A280) greater than 1.8 were used for the present work.

First strand cDNA was generated in a 20 μl reaction volume containing 5 μg total RNA, 1x RT buffer, 2 mM dNTP, 2 μM oligo d(T20), 20 U of RNase inhibitor and 100 U of M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Ferementas, Inc.). The reaction was conducted at 42 °C for 1 h followed by an inactivation step at 85 °C for 15 min. PCR amplification of 1 μl of cDNA was performed in a 25 μl reaction volume containing 1x standard Taq buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl, 50 mM KCl, pH 8.3), 3.5 mM MgCl2, 200 μM dNTPs, 0.4 μM each primer and 1 U Taq DNA polymerase (Fermentas Inc.). PCR primers were designed using GeneTool software based on consensus sequence. Amplifications were performed using the primers (1) Sc-ALF-F (5′-ggacagaagaaacattgaggacgacgca-3′), Sc-ALF-R (5′-ggaaatcaaaaacatccattacaggtca-3′) and (2) Sc-Crus-F (5′-gagagcagaattagacactgt-3′), Sc-Crus-R (5′-atatagtataacataaccatacttc-3′). The thermal profile used was 94 °C for 2 min followed by 35 cycles of 94 °C for 15 s, 60 °C for 30 s and 68 °C for 30 s and a final extension at 68 °C for 10 min.

Il s’agit d’une ptose d’origine traumatique Monsieur L B , 29 an

Il s’agit d’une ptose d’origine traumatique. Monsieur L.B., 29 ans, étudiant, a été admis aux urgences chirurgicales après un traumatisme DZNeP research buy du bassin. Il a été projeté par l’explosion d’un fût de 200 L de gaz sur lequel il était assis et a présenté dans les suites immédiates une impotence fonctionnelle absolue des deux membres inférieurs et une hématurie initiale puis terminale. Les bilans clinique et radiologique (radiographie du bassin et échographie abdomino-pelvienne) ont objectivé une disjonction symphysaire

pubienne avec un écart inter pubien de 4 cm environ (Fig. 1) associée à une contusion vésicale. Il a été traité par antalgiques et anti-inflammatoires avec repos sur plan dur et confié aux traumato-orthopédistes pour la prise en charge de son diastasis pubien ; il ne semblait pas présenter de troubles mictionnels. Environ deux mois plus tard, il a consulté notre service pour rétention aiguë d’urines. L’examen clinique mettait en évidence une tuméfaction périnéale mollasse rénitente, mate à la percussion avec une vacuité hypogastrique. Cette masse semblait être la vessie contenant de l’urine en rétention ; elle était réductible mais incoercible (Figure 2 and Figure 3). Une cystostomie était pratiquée au trocart de Campbell après réduction de la ptose et une opacification radiologique (UCRM) était prescrite. Elle objectivait une vessie en bissac avec une portion périnéale

plus importante que la portion pelvienne (Fig. 4). Les clichés mictionnels Obeticholic Acid cell line étaient impossibles à obtenir. Dans les suites de cet examen radiographique, le patient a présenté une hyperthermie à 40 °C avec frissons et une irréductibilité de la portion périnéale. Une ponction a été réalisée sur cette portion qui ramenait des urines franchement purulentes tandis que celles drainées par le cathéter sus pubien restaient claires. L’ECBU a retrouvé une infection à Escherichia coli qui a évolué favorablement après

le drainage et une antibiothérapie adaptée. Une nouvelle opacification montrait que le collet du bissac s’était tordu empêchant Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase la communication entre les deux portions ( Fig. 5). Après la guérison de l’infection urinaire, il y a eu une ablation accidentelle des deux cathéters. La ptose vésicale s’est spontanément réduite et la miction est redevenue possibles per-uretram. Cinq mois après le traumatisme initial, une nouvelle rétention d’urines sur vessie hypogastrique est survenue avec impossibilité de cathétérisme urétral. Une fois encore une cystostomie était réalisée. L’imagerie médicale permettait de poser le diagnostic de rétrécissement de l’urètre membraneux. Le traitement a consisté en une urétroplastie par résection-anastomose avec des suites simples qui se maintiennent à ce jour. Les érections seraient réapparues et permettraient des rapports sexuels satisfaisants. La hernie inguinale vésicale est rare [1] and [2]. Elle s’observe surtout chez des sujets âgés de sexe masculin avec une obstruction sous-vésicale.