The samples were taken regularly for conductivity analysis using

The samples were taken regularly for conductivity analysis using a DDS-307A conductivity meter (Shanghai INESA and Scientific Instrument Co., Shanghai, China), and sugars and inhibitors analysis on HPLC. The stover sugar hydrolysate was concentrated to a 300–350 g/L sugar concentration

by steam evaporation before hydrogenolysis. Then the concentrated stover sugar hydrolysate was sent to the hydrogenolysis C59 wnt cost reactor supplemented with 4% (w/w) sodium hydroxide and 15% modified Raney nickel catalyst #12-2 (w/w, based on the total sugar weight in system). The purified hydrogen was ventilated into the reactor to remove the inert air in the reactor and heated to 230 °C and 11.0 MPa slowly in an oil bath, then maintained for 120 min until glucose and signaling pathway xylose were completely converted. After each batch reaction, the Raney nickel catalyst was recycled by washing with deionized water then sent to the next round of catalytic operation. Glucose, xylose, inhibitory compounds, such as formic acid, furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), acetic acid and levulinic acid, and hydrogenolysis products, including ethanediol, 1,2-propanediol, butanediol, glycerol, sorbitol, lactic acid were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (LC-20AD, refractive index detector RID-10A, Shimadzu, Japan) with a Bio-Rad Aminex

HPX-87H column at the column temperature of 65 °C. The mobile phase was 0.005 M H2SO4 at the rate of 0.6 mL/min. All the samples were diluted properly and filtered through a 0.22 μm filter before analysis. The protein content in the hydrolysate at different purification stages was determined according to Bradford using bovine serum albumin Fossariinae (BSA) for making

standard protein curve [17]. All the assays were performed in triplicates and the average data were presented. The compositions of virgin corn stover were analyzed using ANKOM 200 Cellulose Analyzer (ANKOM Technology, Macedon, NY, USA) [14]. The original corn stover contained 45.09 ± 0.08% glucan, 31.74 ± 0.18% xylan, 5.15 ± 0.34% acid-insoluble lignin, and 4.98 ± 0.28% ash. All the above data were calculated on the dry solid matter. The glucose and xylose yields were calculated using the following equations [18]: Glucoseyield(%)=[Glu]×Vf×[Biomass]×m×1.111×100% Xyloseyield(%)=[Xyl]×Vh×[Biomass]×m×1.136×100%where [Glu] and [Xyl] were the glucose and xylose concentration at the end of the hydrolysis (g/L), respectively; V was the final liquid volume of the hydrolysis system (L); f was the cellulose content in corn stover (g/g); h was the hemicellulose content in corn stover (g/g); [Biomass] was the solids loading of corn stover in the enzymatic hydrolysis system (%, w/w); m was the total weight of the hydrolysis system (g).

There is a growing interest in representing patient histories as

There is a growing interest in representing patient histories as data rather than just text. In the UK, for example, this includes the NHS Spine that is part of Connecting for Health (a national initiative intended to facilitate clinical management), and the use for research purposes of large patient databases such as the General Practice Research Database (GRPD) [1] and The Health Improvement

Network (THIN) [2]. The GRPD alone contains coded diagnostic, demographic and prescribing information for over 12.5 million patients from around 620 practices around selleck chemical the UK (approx. 7% of all UK practices). It has not gone unnoticed that one of the many advantages of representing clinical histories in this way is the ability to perform in silica experiments through statistical studies on data aggregated across patient populations. We explore here the possibilities for exploiting this data for yet another purpose: producing textual summaries of the history of individual patients automatically from the data. A facility such as this could mean that rather than having to wade through

BLZ945 research buy collections of paper documents that make up a typical “patient record”, or grapple with a complex database, practitioners would have at their disposal a new form of Electronic Patient Record that provides a customised view of a patient’s history. Current studies show that the quality of healthcare outcomes increases when doctors are able to spend sufficient time with patients to explore their symptoms, explain their condition and negotiate their treatment plan [3]. There is also agreement that the available duration of consultations in the UK is typically only between 7 and 10 min [4]. In most UK practices, clinicians are allocated 10 min for existing patients and 20 min for new patients. Since a consultation session also includes the time spent by the clinician familiarising

herself with the patient’s condition, the more time that is devoted to that activity, the less there will be for interacting with the patient. Since clinicians have only a limited Glutamate dehydrogenase time for each patient, and since they clearly cannot be expected to be database experts, their ability to receive the information they require in an easily digestible form is obviously critical. A popular approach to this problem has been to build systems that produce graphical visualisations of the underlying patient data [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] and [10], but recent studies have shown that graphical visualisations of medical data are not always helpful for clinicians’ decision-making [11] and [12]. Instead, we have chosen to explore the use of textual summaries, relying on the familiarity of this medium for presenting medical records.

Furthermore, we showed that rats treated with Ang-(1–7) presented

Furthermore, we showed that rats treated with Ang-(1–7) presented with diminished liver resistin expression associated with increased ACE2 expression. These results are in agreement with the data obtained in previous studies [9] and [10]. Oh et al. recently showed that captopril (ACE inhibitor) intake decreases body weight gain via Angiotensin-(1–7)

[14]. This alteration was associated with Mas receptor mRNA increased expression [14]. Additionally, a previous study with DOCA salt-induced hypertension transgenic rats, that presents an overexpression of Ang-(1–7) in the circulation, also showed an increase in heart Ang-(1–7) accompanied by a decrease in ACE mRNA expression [17]. These data support our hypothesis of a modulatory role for Ang-(1–7) in the ACE/ACE2 ratio. Another possibility is that the improved metabolic profile LBH589 by itself, with lower lipid content and enhanced Neratinib in vitro glucose metabolism, was able to increase ACE2 and decrease ACE expression. A previous report revealed that Ang II treatment increases adipocytes secretion of resistin [7].

Resistin has been also associated with the inflammatory state of chronic liver disease [25] and modulates the synthesis and secretion of key proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6 [24]. The molecular mechanisms involved in the inflammatory response of resistin are still unclear, however a recent report indicated that resistin could compete with LPS for TLR4 [9]. Additionally a recent investigation reported the contribution of central resistin overexposure to induction of insulin resistance through TLR4 and activation of MAPK pathway [1]. In our study, we showed decreased TLR4 mRNA expression in liver of HFD + Ang-(1–7) rats associated with low phosphorylation GBA3 of MAPK. This fact is important once resistin-TLR4 signaling in the hypothalamus leads to the

activation of MAPK pathway promoting overall inflammation [1]. It is known that MAPK activation initiates the downstream induction of transcription factors such as NF-κB, which is an essential regulator of the expression of numerous genes involved in the function and development of the immune system and in inflammatory responses [22]. Activated NF-κB is the major regulator, facilitating the synthesis of several different injury-responsive cytokines in neurons, adipose tissue and liver [2], [22] and [24]. Previous studies showed an elevated level of NF-κB in the adipose tissue of rats with increased levels of resistin [15] and [25]. In this study, oral treatment with Ang-(1–7) reduced TNF-α and IL-6 through inhibition of NF-κB. In summary the present study showed that Ang-(1–7) oral treatment in rats fed high-fat feed prevent obesity and the decrease of several liver proinflammatory cytokines by down-regulating the resistin/TLR4/NF-κB pathway.

Hemorragias significativas são mais comuns a partir do trato dige

Hemorragias significativas são mais comuns a partir do trato digestivo e renal. A frequência da deficiência de fator X nestes doentes foi estimada em 14%18. No presente caso, perante a normalidade dos tempos de coagulação não se efetuou doseamento de fatores de coagulação. Perante esta diversidade

de aspetos clínicos e endoscópicos, o diagnóstico da amiloidose requer um elevado nível de suspeita por parte dos endoscopistas. O diagnóstico requer a confirmação histológica da presença de amiloide. No presente caso clínico e atendendo aos achados clínicos e endoscópicos, a hipótese diagnóstica colocada inicialmente foi a de uma colite isquémica, quando na realidade, e de forma surpreendente, se tratavam de depósitos de amiloide na mucosa. O órgão classicamente a ser biopsado com o intuito de Ixazomib in vivo se diagnosticar amiloidose tem sido o reto e a gordura submucosa, contudo, o restante trato SB431542 mw gastrointestinal, o fígado, a medula óssea e os rins também podem ser utilizados para esse fim2. Os depósitos de amiloide aparecem homogéneos e amorfos à microscopia

ótica. Coram de rosa pela hematoxilina e eosina e exibem metacromasia com o metil violeta. A coloração pelo Vermelho do Congo é a mais específica, produzindo a característica coloração avermelhada à microscopia ótica e birrefringência verde-maçã à luz polarizada2 and 7. A imunohistoquímica, por sua vez, permite a determinação do tipo específico de amiloide2, 4 and 6. O tratamento depende do tipo de amiloidose. O objetivo do tratamento da amiloidose AL é suprimir a síntese de cadeias leves de imunoglobulinas mediante o controlo do distúrbio hematológico subjacente com quimioterapia. Recentemente, a quimioterapia em altas doses com melfalan e prednisolona e o transplante (autólogo) de células estaminais têm sido realizados neste tipo de amiloidose, com resultados encorajadores, além das medidas

de suporte gerais e nutricionais2. Com a resposta hematológica ocorre regressão dos depósitos de amiloide, resultando em estabilização e melhoria da função orgânica2 and 6. No presente caso, o doente não apresentou recidiva da hemorragia digestiva baixa após iniciar Amino acid quimioterapia dirigida ao mieloma múltiplo. Em conclusão, a AL com envolvimento gastrointestinal é uma entidade pouco frequente na prática clínica diária, manifesta-se clínica e endoscopicamente de forma inespecífica, podendo mimetizar outras doenças do foro digestivo. A deteção endoscópica de sufusões hemorrágicas subepiteliais ou hematomas petequiais no contexto de hemorragia gastrointestinal deve levar à suspeita diagnóstica desta doença, conferindo à histologia o papel diagnóstico final. Portanto, os autores pretendem salientar a relevância da realização de biópsias perante a presença de achados inespecíficos na endoscopia e sempre que a clínica o justifique (Figura 1 and Figura 2). Os autores declaram que para esta investigação não se realizaram experiências em seres humanos e/ou animais.

1 Although carcinoma was unlikely in this 23-year-old man with a

1 Although carcinoma was unlikely in this 23-year-old man with a 2-year history of colon disease, endoscopic findings were strongly suggestive of malignancy and so extended right hemicolectomy Vincristine research buy was performed. Giant inflammatory polyposis is broadly considered a benign

entity.5 In our literature review, we found only one reported case of an occult carcinoma8 and another with dysplasia9 arising in localized GIP. As most patients present with obstructive symptoms, surgery is usually the first approach. However, nonsurgical management may be an option. There is a case report of a rectal GIP successfully treated with budesonide.10 Initial proper diagnosis and familiarization JNK inhibitor clinical trial with this entity may allow medical treatment with steroids.11 We truly recognize that further studies on medical treatment are required. Six months after surgery, our patient had no colon lesions and was symptom free. Although some authors advocate that residual disease may predict potential recurrence,7 we suggest an individualized

approach on long-term follow-up. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. “
“Desde a primeira descrição da neoplasia do ducto pancreático principal produtor de muco por Ohashi et al.1 em 1982, o reconhecimento de lesões similares aumentou de forma notória. Com diferentes terminologias ao longo do tempo, é somente em 1996 que a World Health Organization veio uniformizar os conceitos, designando esta patologia como neoplasia mucinosa papilar intraductal (NMPI) que,

juntamente com as neoplasias quísticas mucinosas (NQM), fariam parte das neoplasias pancreáticas quísticas produtoras de mucina 2. De facto, a compreensão desta entidade como patologia bem definida e o aumento da realização de exames imagiológicos abdominais de alta resolução levaram ao aumento da identificação de novos casos sendo atualmente, em alguns centros cirúrgicos, a segunda principal indicação para cirurgias pancreáticas logo atrás do adenocarcinoma ductal pancreático 3 and 4. As NMPI são caracterizadas pela proliferação do epitélio ductal pancreático, frequentemente de aspeto MRIP papilar, com hipersecreção de mucina e consequente dilatação quística do ducto principal e/ou seus ramos secundários, sem evidência contudo de estroma tipo ovárico característico das NQM5. Estas são consideradas lesões pré-malignas, podendo apresentar diferentes graus de atipia cito-arquitetural: lesões benignas (adenoma/baixo grau de displasia), borderline (displasia moderada) e malignas (carcinoma in situ/displasia de alto grau ou carcinoma invasivo) 5 and 6. Topograficamente, estas lesões subdividem-se em NMPI do ducto principal (20%), ramos secundários (40%) ou mistos (40%), dependendo dos ductos envolvidos 7.

B Kindern und älteren Menschen, eine Störung

B. Kindern und älteren Menschen, eine Störung learn more der olfaktorischen Funktion und der motorischen Koordination verursachen kann, da Mn durch den olfaktorischen Trakt transportiert wird und zu dopaminerger Dysregulation führt [23]. Der Effekt der hohen Umweltkonzentration von Mn in Valcamonica war auch im Hinblick auf die jüngere Bevölkerung von Interesse. Daher führten Lucchini et al. verhaltensneurologische Tests bei Heranwachsenden (Alter 11-14 Jahre) aus der Region Valcamonica durch. Den Autoren zufolge war bei diesen Schülern eine deutliche Beeinträchtigung der motorischen Koordination, der

Handgeschicklichkeit und der Geruchswahrnehmung zu beobachten, die mit dem Mn-Gehalt im Boden in Zusammenhang stand. Darüber hinaus war die Tremor-Intensität positiv mit dem Mn-Gehalt in Blut und Haaren korreliert [42]. Diese Daten unterstreichen, dass auch eine historische Mn-Belastung der Umwelt durch Eisenlegierungen

herstellenden Betrieben bei Heranwachsenden zu olfaktorischer und motorischer Dysfunktion führen kann. Lucchini et al. nahmen Vorinostat jedoch an, dass eine derart niedriggradige Mn-Exposition keine kognitiven Effekte bei Heranwachsenden haben dürfte [43]. Die Auswirkungen von Mn im Trinkwasser bei Kindern wurden auch in einer in Quebec, Kanada, durchgeführten Studie untersucht. In dieser Studie von Bouchard et al. zeigte sich bei Schülern, die zu Hause Wasser mit einer höheren Mn-Konzentration erhielten (610 μg/l vs. 160 μg/l bei einer zweiten Gruppe), eine höhere Prävalenz von oppositionellem und hyperaktivem Verhalten [17]. Die Autoren wiesen daher auf die Notwendigkeit weiterer Untersuchungen zu den Risiken einer Mn-Exposition über das Trinkwasser hin. In einer zweiten Studie fanden dieselben Autoren, dass die Mn-Aufnahme über das Leitungswasser positiv mit Beeinträchtigungen bei Schulkindern im Alter von 6-13 Jahren korrelierte. So war beispielsweise ein 10-facher Anstieg des Mn-Gehalts im Wasser mit einer Abnahme des IQ um 2,4 Punkte verbunden (p < 0,01), wobei die mediane Mn-Konzentration im Trinkwasser 34 μg/l

(Bereich: 1-2700 μg/l) Interleukin-2 receptor betrug [44]. Bei Neugeborenen besteht aufgrund einer höheren Permeabilität der Blut-Hirn-Schranke und einer geringeren Gallenexkretion ein sogar noch höheres Risiko. Daher sind Untersuchungen zur Mn-Exposition von Säuglingen unbedingt erforderlich. Eine der wenigen Studien zur Mn-Exposition an Säuglingen wurde von Zota et al. im County Ottawa in Oklahoma, USA, durchgeführt. Hierbei wurde an einer Kohorte von 470 Mutter-Kind-Paaren der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Mn-Spiegel im mütterlichen und Nabelschnurblut einerseits und dem Geburtsgewicht andererseits untersucht [45]. Bei dieser Studie wurde ein nicht-linearer Zusammenhang zwischen dem Mn-Spiegel im mütterlichen Blut und dem Geburtsgewicht reifer Säuglinge beobachtet. Das Geburtsgewicht stieg bei Mn-Spiegeln von bis zu 3,1 μg/l an, bei höheren Spiegeln war dagegen ein leicht reduziertes Geburtsgewicht zu beobachten.

Although not currently required, spill response capacity could al

Although not currently required, spill response capacity could also include local, trained personnel and equipment adequate to protect sensitive shorelines and provide advice about important marine ecosystems and wildlife. An important accident prevention measure is the use of rescue-tugs to assist ships with mechanical problems, offer assistance to disabled ships and barges under see more tow when necessary, and prevent these ships from grounding and causing serious environmental damage. Though there is little precedent for mandating tug capabilities in the Arctic, since 1999 the Washington State maritime industry

has permanently stationed an emergency response towing vessel at Neah Bay, Washington, selleckchem near the mouth of the Strait of Juan

de Fuca [68]. In 2009, the Washington State legislature passed an act that requires tank, cargo, and passenger vessels traveling to or from a Washington port through the Strait of Juan de Fuca to establish and fund an emergency response system that would provide an emergency response towing vessel, also to be stationed at Neah Bay (CWR §88.46.130). The loss of control and subsequent grounding of the Kulluk drill rig off Kodiak, Alaska, in 2012 is an example of the need for expanded rescue and tug capabilities in Arctic waters, which are much farther removed than Kodiak from available response capacity. Providing information and other support to mariners can also enhance safety and reduce risk. Weather and ice forecasting fall into this category, as does the Coast Pilot, a mariner׳s resource describing Casein kinase 1 potential hazards and providing contact information published in the U.S. by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Modern nautical charts are also important tools in providing safe and secure maritime transportation throughout Arctic waters. Nautical charts supply mariners with the latest

information on accurate shorelines, topographic features, water depths, hazards, aids to navigation, and recommended routes. They also provide base geospatial data used for fishery stock assessments, coastal zone management, energy exploration, and other uses. Given that most of the region has been historically inaccessible due to the presence of thick, multi-year sea ice, much of the Arctic region has inadequate or outdated charting data. Moreover, existing charts date back to the 1800s, and the majority of Alaska׳s vast northern and western coastline has not been charted since the 1960s. As the U.S. Coast Pilot states, the Bering Sea is only “partially surveyed, and the charts must not be relied on too closely…” [69]. In 2013, NOAA identified the need for 14 new charts in the Arctic and is in the process of updating these charts. Charts have been released in the Bering Strait region that include the Bering Strait North (Chart 16190) and from St. Lawrence Island to the Bering Strait (Chart 16220) [70].

It is known that cryopreservation

of lymphocytes may have

It is known that cryopreservation

of lymphocytes may have effects on cell surface molecules of T-cells such CCR5 and CD45 RA/RO and may decrease response to infectious diseases and recall antigens [6] in both HIV-infected and non-infected blood Daporinad purchase donors. Furthermore, cryopreservation can modify the ability of T-cells to secrete cytokines. Freezing and thawing cells significantly altered the cytokine secretion of cells [24] and [42]. Cyclical temperature increase during sample storage could have similar effects. In summary, we have investigated the influence of cyclical temperature fluctuations on PBMC health and have demonstrated that small cyclical temperature rises during the storage process in liquid nitrogen induced by sample storage, sorting and removal, leads to decreased cell recovery, cell viability and T-cell functionality. Retrospective sample analysis is commonly used in clinical programs including studies for infectious diseases, malaria, and cancer. In addition, samples from clinical trial will often be allocated and stored in central cryorepositories under low temperature condition in find more liquid nitrogen. These studies show the impact of sample storage conditions on the integrity and quality of the cryopreserved

samples and the resulting data analysis. Further investigations will be necessary to determine of the minimal number of temperature fluctuations during the storage process that lead to Dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase the beginning of the negative biological effects. The knowledge of this critical number of temperature rises could be used as an additional sample quality indicator. Beside the avoidance of temperature fluctuations during the sample storage, the opening of the storage tanks and the resultant temperature rises should be monitored and documented to use this data as a supplemental quality parameter. The authors

thank B. Kemp-Kamke and M. Fuß for their excellent technical assistance, Julia Neubauer for her assistance in the design of the diagrams and Marcella Sarzotti Kelsoe for careful proofreading. This study was generously supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (grant number OPP38580_01). “
“Dr. Akira Sakai, a pioneer of plant cryobiology and plant cryopreservation, passed away on October 5, 2012, at the age of 92. Sakai-sensei (in Japan we use a suffix “sensei” for teachers, instructors and professor to show our respect) was born on January 22, 1920, in a town of Aichi, a prefecture located in the central part of Japan. He graduated from the Department of Animal Science, Hokkaido Imperial University (later renamed to Hokkaido University) in 1944.

5, 6, 7 and 8 Because of the significant symptom overlap between

5, 6, 7 and 8 Because of the significant symptom overlap between microscopic see more colitis and irritable bowel syndrome/functional diarrhea, the true prevalence of microscopic

colitis might be underestimated.9 and 10 The strongest evidence of success in treating collagenous colitis is currently available for budesonide, a locally active corticosteroid with extensive first-pass metabolism in the liver and low systemic exposure. Three randomized, placebo-controlled trials have shown that oral budesonide at a dosage of 9 mg/d is effective for short-term treatment in collagenous selleck chemical colitis.11, 12 and 13 However, those trials were relatively small and their study designs differed, as did their definitions of treatment response. Although oral mesalamine at various doses is frequently used to treat microscopic colitis, its efficacy has never been formally evaluated in randomized placebo-controlled trials. A prospective

uncontrolled study reported high response rates of long-term treatment with mesalamine alone or in combination with cholestyramine.14 However, several large retrospective case series suggest that mesalamine might be beneficial in less than half of patients with microscopic colitis.15, 16 and 17 The aim of our study was to evaluate and compare the efficacy and tolerability

of short-term treatment of pH-modified release oral budesonide capsules (9 mg budesonide once daily) and mesalamine granules (3 g mesalamine once daily) GPX6 in collagenous colitis in a randomized, placebo-controlled fashion. All authors had access to the study data and reviewed and approved the final manuscript. This was a double-blind, double-dummy, randomized placebo-controlled, comparative phase-3 clinical trial conducted in 31 centers (hospital clinics and private practices) in Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The study protocol was conducted in accordance with the International Conference on Harmonisation Guideline for Good Clinical Practice and was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Hamburg, Germany, as well as by the national ethics committees in the participating countries. The study protocol was registered at (NCT00450086) and at (EudraCT 2006-004159-39).

, 2010) Meta-analysis was performed using select disease models

, 2010). Meta-analysis was performed using select disease models for mice, as well as for human studies representative of disease state. The analysis identified, ranked and scored all genes and biogroups that were common

between the studies according to the scoring method described above for disease prediction (Kupershmidt et al., 2010). Biogroups were filtered for canonical pathways. The rank-based pathway analysis revealed a total of 151, 150 and 106 differentially expressed KEGG pathways on days BYL719 in vivo 1, 3 and 28, respectively. The most affected pathways according to statistical significance were primarily related to inflammation on day 1, to steroid biosynthesis and DNA repair on day 3 and to apoptosis and inflammation on day 28. Significant pathways (p < 0.05) pertaining to genotoxicity

(DNA damage and repair) and inflammatory and immune responses are summarized in Table 1, along with previously established phenotypes. All significant pathways are presented in Supplemental Table 1. Analysis of the number of common pathways between doses for each time-point revealed that most pathways occurring at lower doses also occur at higher doses. However, the number of significant pathways increased with dose ( Fig. 1). EPA BMDS 2.2 BMDs and BMDLs were generated for apical endpoints and RT-PCR data (BMD values for each endpoint and gene presented in Supplementary Table 2; curves are presented in Supplemental Fig. S1). Although many of the apical endpoints and RT-PCR data were not suitable for modelling, BMD and BMDL values generally increased over post-exposure time as expected. The mean BMDs for inflammatory apical endpoints were 0.9, 1.2 and 9.6 μg, and BMDLs were 0.6, 0.9 and 6.5 μg on days 1, 3 and 28, respectively. BMD values for RT-PCR data of genes involved in inflammation

tended to be higher than for apical endpoints. Mean BMDs of inflammatory genes were 14.5, 16.7 and 29.0 μg, and mean BMDLs were 10.4, 9.1 and 20.1 μg, on days 1, 3 and 28, respectively. BMDs and BMDLs were also generated for microarray gene expression profiles using BMDExpress. Minimum BMDs for KEGG pathways relevant to PIK3C2G inflammation, KEGG pathways relevant to genotoxicity, for the most sensitive KEGG pathways as well as for apical endpoint data are presented in Table 2. Minimum BMDs were calculated according to the median of all significant genes for each pathway and the 5th percentile of significant genes of all pathways, in order to increase sensitivity. Even the 5th percentile BMDs tended to be higher than BMDs generated for apical endpoints (Table 2). However, minimum BMDs, representing the most sensitive gene for each relevant pathway, were much more comparable to BMDs of apical endpoints (Table 2). PAM was used to compare the Printex 90 gene expression dataset to 13 pulmonary gene expression profiles that represent a range of murine pulmonary disease models (e.g.