In some further detail, the previous analysis seems to have yielded a somewhat higher result on pg/g fat ∑TEQ1998 basis compared to the current study with the exception of one of the samples, the one from 1980. Further, the mean and median differences between the studies were 13 and 15%, respectively, on ∑TEQ1998 basis. The largest difference was found for ∑PCDDs, mean and median difference of 20% and 25% respectively. The differences for ∑DL-PCBs and ∑PCDFs were lower, approximately
10% mean and median difference for both groups of compounds. The result of this part of the present study shows that direct comparison between historical data and new data is p38 MAP Kinase pathway possible for monitoring of PCDDs, PCDFs and DL-PBCs by applying the methodology described herein. Accordingly, it is possible to elongate existing time trends with new samples. Fig. 6 shows the quotas of the PCDDs, PCDFs and DL-PCBs of the TOTAL-TEQ2005 for each sample of the time trend, 1972–2011, presented herein. It can be generalized that half of the ∑TEQ is made up of DL-PCBs, and the other half comprise of somewhat more PCDDs than PCDFs. Time trend analyses of
the three fractions show a relative annual decrease over the 40 year period for the DL-PCBs, 0.44% per year (p < 0.49), but show no statistical significant trend for the last decade. The PCDDs and PCDFs show no statistical significant trend for either time period. Comparability between studies from the literature, even when it comes to the same matrix — mothers' milk, is strongly hampered by several PCI-32765 supplier facts. First, the present lack of original congener specific data, presented either on a weight basis or on a molar basis, that is necessary to allow calculations of TEQs when new TEFs are applied, is not reported. Further, congener
specific data are the most reliable data as a base for assessing temporal trends. Sum of analyte data may hide interesting and relevant temporal trends, as discussed for the PCDFs above. Second, the lack of unified sampling strategies influences the results. To promote the best possible sampling strategy it is relevant to apply the instructions from the WHO milk program (UNEP, 2012) or something as close to this as possible. Third, mafosfamide the lack of long term temporal trend analysis strongly hampers spatial comparisons of such trends. The rate of which ∑PCDDs, ∑PCDFs ∑DL-PCBs and the ∑TEQ are decreasing (on pg/g fat WHO-TEQ2005) is steeper in the last decade compared to the 40 year period, 1972–2011. The declines for PCDDs, PCDFs, DL-PCBs and ∑TEQs are 10%, 7.3%, 12% and 10% per year, last decade, compared to 6.1%, 6.1%, 6.9%% and 6.5% per year, 1972–2011. The difference in steepness, between the whole time period and the last ten years, is much smaller for ∑TEQ of PCDFs than for the other groups, likely due to too many PCDF congeners below LOQ, 2002–2011. The faster rate of decline over this period of time is confirmed by the temporal trends of the individual “dioxins”, as determined on a weight basis.