Migraine-associated gastroparesis can reduce the rate of absorption, and therefore the efficacy, of gastrointestinally absorbed formulations3-5
including the oral tablet, the orally disintegrating tablet, and the nasal spray. Gastroenterologist Dr. Henry Parkman discusses the problem of gastroparesis in migraine in his paper “Migraine and Gastroparesis From a Gastroenterologist’s Perspective.”[11] The evidence reviewed in this supplement establishes gastrointestinal signs and symptoms of migraine as important therapeutic problems warranting focused effort and elucidation in both clinical research and clinical practice. The evidence also suggests that health care providers who reflexively prescribe
orals tablets, currently the most widely used buy INCB024360 formulation in migraine, to their patients with migraine-associated nausea and/or gastroparesis may be doing them a disservice; alternatives to triptan tablets should be explored for the treatment of migraine in these patients. Steps in the effective management of migraine with gastrointestinal signs and symptoms will depend largely on health care providers’ appreciation of the importance of nausea and gastroparesis as factors affecting migraine prognosis and treatment success and their systematic assessment of migraine patients for gastrointestinal signs and symptoms. Additionally, effective management of gastrointestinal signs and symptoms in migraine find more will require that patients and health care providers be willing to practice customized
migraine care, in which patients tailor the treatment and formulation to the characteristics and context of the individual migraine episode. The author acknowledges Jane Saiers, PhD (The WriteMedicine, Inc.), for assistance with writing the manuscript. Dr. Saiers’ work was funded by NuPathe Inc. “
“Para lograr cuerpos y mentes saludables se recomienda la actividad atlética. Sin embargo, a pesar de las mejores precauciones, un jugador puede recibir un golpe a la cabeza o al cuerpo que ocasiona dolores de cabeza constantes. Se estima que alrededor del 90% de estas lesiones leves resuelven completamente y el atleta se encuentra sin síntomas MCE a la semana. Desafortunadamente, el otro 10% se quedarán con cefaleas continuas y con otros síntomas neurológicos. La conmoción cerebral es una lesión a la cabeza que resulta en un cambio en la función cerebral normal. Las conmociones cerebrales pueden también ocurrir cuando hay una caída o un golpe al cuerpo causando una sacudida tal, que el cerebro se mueve rápidamente en múltiples direcciones. Los síntomas provocados por una conmoción cerebral usualmente son leves, pero pueden resultar en confusión, cefalea, pérdida de la memoria, dificultad para pensar y concentrarse, problemas para tomar decisiones, pérdida del equilibrio y la coordinación.