Purified DNA was cloned into the pGEM®-T-easy plasmid (Promega) a

Purified DNA was cloned into the pGEM®-T-easy plasmid (Promega) and sequenced by Macrogen, in

Korea, using T7, M13R, and internal primers, as required. Three independent PCRs were sequenced for each gene, checked and confirmed for consistency. Partial sequences of the VNTR-105, VNTR-141 and the ANK genes WD0550 and WD0766 from different Wolbachia strains have been deposited GenBank database (Table 3). Table 2 this website List of primers designed according to the wMel genome sequence to amplify VNTRs and ANK genes. Locus/primer 5’ sequence Reference VNTR-141 for ggagtattattgatatgcg [30] VNTR-141 rev gactaaaggttagttgcat [30] VNTR-105 for gcaattgaaaatgtggtgcc [30] VNTR-105 rev atgacaccttacttaaccgtc [30] RO550F ggccaccatgggatcagaatttgaag [82] RO550R gatgacttatacgcagccccatag [82] RO766F gaccaccatgaaatatgacaaattt Temozolomide molecular weight [82] RO766R tcaagtaagtgctttttctgtc [82] Table 3 GenBank accession numbers for VNTR and ANK sequences. Strain VNTR-105 VNTR-141 WD0766 wMel JF797619 JF797613 NC_002978* wMelCS JF797618 JF797611 JF683428 wMelPop as wMelCS Selleck Vadimezan JF797612 JF683429

wRi n.d. n.d. NC_012416** wAu JF797617 JF797608 AY649753 wSan JN191623 JN191622 JF683435 wWil JF797616 JF797607 JF683433 wSpt JF797620 JF797609 JF683431 wPro n.d. JF797610 JF683430 wCer1 JF797615 JF797606 JF683434 wCer2 n.d. JF797614 JF683432 wHa n.d. n.d. JF683436 *wMel genome sequence **wRi genome sequence n.d. not determined Selection of size variable markers Polymorphic loci were previously identified from the sequenced genome of wMel of D. melanogaster ([41], GenBank reference sequence NC_002978) in silico by using Tandem Repeats Finder TRF (http://​tandem.​bu.​edu/​trf/​trf.​html) [51]. Two VNTR regions of interest, VNTR-105 and VNTR-141 were found to be polymorphic between different lines of D. melanogaster

[30]. The TRF PJ34 HCl analysis also detected more candidate loci, including some genes encoding ANK domain repeats that can also contain tandemly repeated DNA, and are hence candidate markers for MLVA. Genes encoding ANK domain repeats were previously annotated [41] and variability was found in supergroup A and B Wolbachia strains [36]. All of the tandem repeats analysed here were amplified by using primers designed for the conserved flanking regions (single copy coding genes) of the repeats within wMel. We further extended the TRF analysis to other completed Wolbachia genomes, wRi ([52] NC_012416), wPip ([53] NC_010981) and wBm ([54] NC_006833) in order to highlight the potential of MLVA for more distantly related Wolbachia strains in silico. The TRF analysis also included the genomes of Anaplasma marginale strain St. Maries (CP_000030) and Ehrlichia ruminantium strain Welgevonden (NC_005295) and Neorickettsia risticii strain Illinois (NC_013009), the closest relatives of the genus Wolbachia [55], as well as a comparison with free living Escherichia coli K12 substrain MG1655 (NC_000913). The bacterial genomes were analysed in the basic mode of TRF (version 4.

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